Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fall 'blessings' ???

Summer is over and we're into the beautiful season of autumn here on PEI. It's the prettiest one but it also means that the kids are back to school (I love the relaxed, easy going, schedule of summer. No getting up to catch the bus. No school lunches to be made. No homework. No "yes, you have to wear pants, sweaters, coats, etc." )

It means fewer campfires, which was a highlight of our summer this year. Hardly a mosquito in sight... family and friends... sausages, hotdogs, apples and marshmallows. Mmmm... doesn't get much better.

It means the pool is closed for the season. :(

It also means that Marten is busy at digging. An exciting time for sure... but it also means long hours, lonely evenings for me, and no goodnight hugs for the kids unless we take that special trip to the farm to see Daddy. This year, is an extra trying time for Marten as he fell and broke his kneecap on September 24th. It kept him home for almost a week but you can't keep a good man down. He was back at the farm in a cushy job in no time. We'll take a return visit to the hospital on Oct. 19th to see if it's healing nicely.

Don't get me wrong... even with all this business, it sure is nice to reflect on God's beauty and be thankful for what we have. I'm grateful for God's healing hand, for great kids, for church programs in the fall, for the great feast we'll have on Thanksgiving day, for friends who share their garden goods with us (I made lots of pickles and beets), and for my family near and far.
We had a wonderful time on Oct. 1-4th with the special visit of Omke Marten, Rinze and Klarina. Lots of family together time... lots of food... and great memories were made.

God's blessings to you as you celebrate this beautiful season!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nieuwhof Family Reunion 2009

The week of August 18-25, 2009 marked our 4th Nieuwhof Family Reunion. It all started in 1998, when Marten's parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and we booked cottages in Fundy together. Five years later, we went to Irwin Lake, NS. In 2006, we went to Upper Clements, NS and this year we went to NB to the Village Gedaique Chalets (near Shediac).
We visited the Flower Pot Rocks, 4 trails in the Kouchibouguac National Park, Moncton's Water Park, and Tree Go.

We celebrated with potlucks, a birthday party, shopping, campfires, fireworks, icecream social, boating, church, video/slide shows, family sweatshirts/t-shirts and scrapbooks.

The cousins had fun biking, canoing, kayaking, and peddle boating, playing at the playground and just being together. SO did the adults. The late night campfires were a special social time for us.

We had 25 family members attend. We really missed having the whole family there. Dianna, Jordan and Macaiah were absent. She delivered a beautiful baby girl, Elliyah Jade, on Aug. 27th. Congratulations guys! Mary's husband, Isaac, was in a doctorate internship in Texas and couldn't make it. And Pete was on his way to Dort College in the states. They were missed very much.