Monday, October 15, 2007

Church Filled Weekend

Can it be? Have I not written for 10 days? Time gets away. Plus, the question is... what do I write about?
This weekend was worthy of remembering. Saturday was the fall Ladies' Retreat for our island churches. We have 13 Christian Churches/Churches of Christ on the Island and we take turns hosting a spring and a fall Ladies Retreat. It was our church's turn this year and I was on the committee. I was the registrar lady (for 108 women) and then I counted the money. After that, I worked in the kitchen to get ready for the lunch. The theme of the day was "Spiritual Spa Day" emphasising that God wants us to work on our inner beauty. On top of two wonderful speakers, we had demonstrations from a chef, a nutritionist, a massager, and a Mary Kay lady. Very interesting -- they actually tied their thoughts into the theme of the day. (I REALLY want a professional massage on my poor feet now.) Since I had a heavy workload for the day, I didn't make it to all the events, but what I did see I really enjoyed.
Sunday was another fun-filled church day. After Sunday School and Church, the families of the children from grades 1-6 were invited to stay for sandwiches, veggies and sweets. Then we all went apple picking together. Such a fall thing to do. York has a wonderful place to pick called Windymoor Orchards. Bags of apples later, it just started to rain. We were going to all go on a nature trail walk but decided that we didn't want to get wet. So, what to do? The thought of going for coffee was discussed. Can you imagine a restaurant full of excited kids? We thought not! So.... being the hostess that I am :), I invited everyone here for coffee, pop, cookies and chips. Arghhhh... the house was a mess. So I rushed home and cleaned up as fast as I could -- it's amazing what you can get done in 2-5 minutes. Everyone arrived and the children had a blast and so did the adults. I love getting together with friends.
So today, I'm really cleaning up (laundry, sorting through old shoes, dishes...). I also caught up on all your blogs. I haven't 'visited' you for 3 days. And now I'm thinking about all those apples downstairs. Mmmm... I think I see an apple pie in our near future. :) Marten will be happy. A good thing to cheer up my family on this dreary, rainy fall day. The kids will be getting home soon, so I must go to the kitchen to get that started before I need to supervise homework.
Have a happy day. Love from Karen


sugarnuggets said...

Guests remember your hospitality not the state of your home. I'm sure it was fine!! What a wonderful weekend!! Retreats like that are fun eh. We've had a spiritual spa day with our ladies too! Neat idea.

I think my monday's are small oasis days for my week. I just love starting the week that way....

Hope your day is great and that you have fun with the homework. Joe is mr speedy and always seems to finish it at school, I don't know if that is good or bad. Craig is pretty easy about homework....and I'm not sure if that's always good either, but at least, neither of them is obsessive about it....
blog more often....10 days is tooooooooo long!!!

Love ya, Tetcy

Andy Rayner said...

Hi Karen
Lynn sure had a great day she said. I was home with Father-in-law and working on my sermon on the kitchen table with the laptop. It would almost seem good for the men to have their retreat the same day as the ladies. But I suppose that makes it hard for babysitting maybe. We men have the retreat Nov 3 in Summerside. I look forward to it.
Anyway, have a good week. I have a cold right now. We landed eel nets today as this is closing day. I'm gearing up for the Exalt this weekend. Be praying I can communicate what God wants heard.
God bless