Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I Really Have Nothing To Blog About...

... but I'll bore you anyway. I've been wanting to blog but didn't have anything blogworthy. Let's see: Since the last time I blogged we've had March Break and Easter. March break brought sleepovers, bowling, playdates, ... we didn't travel this year because of Easter celebrations. But Easter was great fun. We enjoyed our Good Friday breakfast at church with a lovely service. We had a family meal on Saturday with Mom, Kathy and Uncle Floyd. Turkey and Duck. Mmmmmm! Yum! I'm still full from it. We hid Easter eggs for the kids to find. They have so much fun with that. They laugh at the silly places we hide them. Then, they love to hide eggs for Nana and Aunt Kathy to find. Mom doesn't enjoy that so much but she participates to humor the kids. I think Kathy has a great time. Then , the kids hide eggs for Marten and me. What fun! There was an Easter Sunday service at church and then home. We were happy to have a surprise visit from Amanda and Matt. It was great to see them and catch up.
Back to school and another call from Jason's teacher. This time, he had been playing tag at recess and fell into a metal post. He broke his front tooth. I picked him up and took him to the dentist. It's amazing how they can fix it. It looks like new and you can't tell that he even has a fake tooth. That was the third call in 3 weeks. The first one was to inform us that Jason and his friend Taylor had been playing with ice (which was a no-no) and Jason fell on Taylor (a likely story) and had a huge scrape down his face. The second call was to inform us that Jason had been saying mean things to his classmates ("I hate you." "I'm going to kill you." ...). Yikes! I was horrified. However, Jason informs us that he had been playing a game where he was the bad guy and that he was just playing his part. He didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. He cried and cried. He felt awful. After a long talking to, I'm sure he won't do that again. Sigh, boys!
Nicolle's lastest adventure is to try out for the badminton team. She only won 1 out of 4 games on friday, but she has this Wednesday and Friday to impress Mr. Matthews (the gym teacher). I hope she does better on those two days. Either way, I'm proud and impressed that she wanted to try.
I'm still helping out at our church's youth group for age 4- grade 6. Nicolle and Jason enjoy it. They were excited to see Aaron and Cassie join us this past Thursday. And I was excited to meet Tineke's "new friend" Jason afterwards. He came to pick up the kids with her. Good first impression. Very cute Tineke! (Gee, I hope it's OK that I blogged this Tineke! I assume that because you changed your relationship status on facebook that it is public news! :P) Are you blushing?
I was envious of Tetcy's blog and her 'front yard friends'. I'm looking forward to spring and getting in my gardens. It was sad to wake up to 3 inches of snow today. Although... it WAS very pretty and hid all that dirty old snow. So I'm glad that God sent us a present today. Hope He was good to you too. Love to all, Karen


Mary and Isaac said...

Wow, for not having anything to blog, you did well making an interesting post. Sounds like things are going well for you guys -apart from a few scrapes. I'm glad you guys had such a fun easter.
Anyway, just wanted to say "hi".
Love ,
~ M

Matt n Amanda said...

I think people will always think that what you think is boring is actually interesting news... I'm one of those people. It sounds like you have a few more calls for Jason than Nicolle. :) We have had a lot of kids getting hurt on the ice in the past couple of weeks too. It is certainly no fun to tell the parents that their child looks beat up.
It sounds like you guys are having fun together and enjoying life. Don't worry. Some day it really will be summer. Love you!
Love Amanda and Matt too

sugarnuggets said...

Life is so interesting but a mom sure can do WITHOUT those phonecalls from the teacher. Glad you can see your grass here and there...we drove along the highway the other day and there were patches of snow here and there.... soon enough it will be hot again!

So glad you shared your adventures with us! Love ya, Tetcy

The Nieuwhofs said...

That is a long story for having nothing to say.
Jason is keeping you busy. Does he have any after affect from his broken tooth? I broke my front tooth in elementary school in Holland. They couldn't fix mine, it turned black. Technology these days is much better.
Hope this week is a little less eventfull. Have a great week, Randall