Thursday, May 22, 2008

Prayers for Mom

Hi everyone! I have no exciting news like some of you. I just wanted to update my blog.
I also would covet your prayers for my mother. She has to have eye surgery on Monday and she is very nervous and upset. She is so confused about the whole thing (things easily confuse her nowadays). They've changed the date of the operation 3 times. First, she was staying overnight, now she's not. She doesn't know if she'll be put to sleep or be awake for the operation. She has to take 3 different eye drops 4 times a day and she can't remember that. I've made her a calendar with the medicine names and the times she has to take them.
Usually Mom doesn't show emotion about anything but she was crying on Sunday. It was really hard for me to see. She wants to cancel the operation but we won't let her. It'll be over soon, I tell her, and everything will be back to normal.
I'm going to stay overnight at her apartment on Sunday and Monday so I won't be able to check all your blogs out. I'll update when I get home.
Thanks for your prayers.
Love, Karen


The Nieuwhofs said...

Wee'll keep her in our prayers. And hope that all will go well on Monday. All the best.

sugarnuggets said...

It'll be a real blessing for you to be able to be there with her, for both of you.

Hang in there, love ya, Tetcy