Monday, February 18, 2008

Winter Sleigh Rides

We had a fun Friday night. The sunday school teachers arranged for a sleigh ride at Terpstra's. There were 34 of us in total. We had to use 2 sleighs. It was a lot of fun. Thankfully, the weather was actually nice. Only 0 degrees and a light snow. It was so pretty. And we weren't even cold. Half way through the ride, they stop at a huge hill and everyone has 15-20 minutes to go sledding. Wow. What a hit with the kids (and some Dads).

After the ride, there was hot chocolate and cookies and a look at the other animals in the barn. They really have a nice setup there.

Later that night, Marten and I watched a special Celine Dion concert on TV. It was really good.
Saturday, Nicolle went to a movie with some friends and I took Jason to get his hair cut ("Just like Pete's"). Marten wasn't feeling well and by Sunday, he really didn't feel well and he stayed home from Church. The kids and I went to Dairy Queen after church with Mom, Kathy, Lorna, Wayne and Janelle. Then we all went to Mom's and shared Valentine treats. Kathy had made everyone a plate of heart-shaped scotch cookies. Yum! Mom had chocolates. It was fun! I purposely stayed in town til 5 so Marten could get a good rest without noise and interuptions.
Now, it's Monday and he still doesn't feel well. He stayed home from work and rested on the couch inbetween naps. :) Say a prayer that he feels better soon.
I actually got on the computer tonight to research snack ideas for the 100th day of school. I'm supposed to bring something for the class. Most sites just say to have 10 bowls of 10 different things (choc. chips, pretzels, marshmallows, etc). The kids take 10 of each and therefore have 100 snack items. I need to feed 26 kids and 2 teachers. That sounds expensive. They don't want a cake. It takes too long to cut it and pass it out and it's messy. Any ideas?
I really enjoy all your blogs and appreciate all your comments. Thanks so much. Love, Karen


The Nieuwhofs said...

Look like you had a lot of fun on your sleigh ride. Terpstra's do have a very nice setup. I talked to Jim on Sunday. He said that last week it turned really cold on Saturday so they had some cancelations. Otherwise he would have had nine hundred people go trough last week. Isn't that amazing?
I see Marten is feeling a little better today. At least he was at work. Hopefully a better day for him tomorrow.
I guess a fondue is out of the question for a snack? Maple Leaf cookies? My favorite.
TTYL, Randall.

Matt n Amanda said...

did you already have the 100th day? Thats a tough one... Hope you thought of something... you could always try the bulk barn.
Looks like the sleigh ride was a lot of fun. Alot of kids at work were sick this week too. Most of the week we pretty much had 8/15 kids. It was nuts, there is definately a lot going around right now. Hope you guys are all healthy and well. Have a good weekend,
Love Amanda

Mary and Isaac said...

I've got nothing for the 100th day or school snack ideas. But I think I may late so it's a good thing I didn't have some brilliant idea eh? :P
I'm glad you guys had fun at the sleigh rides. I'm not sure what it is, but it is fun to get out there. It reminds me of Anne of Green Gables or something else historic. You hardly feel like you're in the real world.
Illnesses are going around here too, and it sounds like the same things that going around in Eastern Canada. I hope you're all healthy and well.
Well, I'm off.