Saturday, September 29, 2007

Trip to Montague

What a lovely day the kids and I had today. It started early. We had to be in town for 9:30 for the only haircut appointment I could get today. I just got a trim but I like it. Yeah! I hardly ever like my hair after a cut. Phew. What a relief.
We spent the rest of the morning at Nana's making birthday cards for "Aunt Do" and wrapping her presents and visiting with Nana. "Aunt Do" is actually my mother's best friend, Doris. As children, we couldn't pronounce her name and it became Do (pronounced doe). Anyway, Nana treated us to lunch at Subway and then we were on the way to Montague to celebrate a birthday. Aunt Do is elderly (78) and lives with her brother in an old farm house. She has never married and seldom leaves Montague. She was thrilled with the visit and we all had a great time. The kids love to go there -- a dog, lots of kittens, cows and horses --Nicolle's paradise. They spent the whole time outside except for when it was time for cake and icecream and present giving.

On the way home, we stopped at a roadside vegetable stand that had amazing fall decorations and vegetables and tons of pumpkins. All of us had fun picking out the perfect pumpkins to take home (I love to decorate the deck and in front of the garage with them.) We picked out 8 pumpkins for $7.96. Pretty good, eh?
Then it was home for supper, wash up, and time for bed for the kids. They were tired. A quick catch up on all your blogs (which I so enjoy reading) and I'll finish this up so I can go and enjoy an evening with Marten.
I hope you all enjoy your Sunday. Love ya lots, Karen

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Digging Time

We're well into the long, tiring hours of digging. They were up and running on Monday and they are having a really good week. No major breakdowns (and I do mean the machinery, not the boys :P). Marten says they must have 100 acres out already. It's going fast. Thought I'd include some pictures for those who are missing the action. (Tineke; Marten on the pile of potatoes; Tineke, Reg, and Aleer) So far Mary they haven't put any potatoes in "your" warehouse but soon. Oh no -- I think it's so sad to cover up your scenes.
Of course, that means Alice, Elisabeth, and I are back to cooking. I've had two goes at it. Tonight was shepherd's pie. MMMM... one of my favorites. Hope they all like it. It's kinda nerve racking to cook for so many. Next time, I think I'll do the sausage casserole that Amanda likes. I could try balony and cheese or warm peanut butter -- what do you think Matt? Hee, hee - I'm still chuckling over that one. Sorry. Is that mean? :)
The kids are in bed and I am, once again, all alone. I know that this time of the year is necessary and for only a short time. But I do miss Marten. I think that is why I'm on the computer so much. There's no one to talk to and by reading all your blogs I feel like I'm communicating with someone. It's like talking to you. It's great to 'hear' all your thoughts and read your comments so keep them coming. I'm not so lonely when I'm 'with' you.
Goodnight. Hope you all had a terrific day. Thanks for keeping me company. Karen

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Treehouse/Playfort

Marten has been thinking for couple of years now to build a fort for the children. Around two weeks ago he said if he didn't start building it soon that Jason would be grown up and wouldn't want it anymore. Secretly, I think Marten wanted to play on it. Hee, hee.
The tractor came, some trees disappeared and the start of a wonderful play area was created. It's located in the woods along the pathway between our house and Tineke's. All the kids will have a great time.
The picture shows what we built so far. We have used our old set of stairs that used to be attached to our front door. We built another landing 15 1/2 feet away. I spent a few hours drilling the deck boards on last Monday so Marten wouldn't have to. It hurts his leg to bend on it for so long. I was glad to help but, OH, I was sore the next two days. I could barely move. Plus I had a blister on my finger. Oh, the things I do... :). Marten had this afternoon off, and now there's a swinging bridge between the two. Is there nothing that man cannot create? Although we were wishing for Matt's engineering expertise on making it stable and safe. We wouldn't want the two platforms to cave in. We finally decided on a 6x6 in between the two landings. (see picture). Does that look OK, Matt?
We have to add railings to the bridge and deck but that's another day.
We also have plans for a little fort house on the deck, climbing ropes, zip line, slide, swings, mountain climbing, ladders, etc. We'll add them as time and money permit. I'll keep you updated with pictures.
Doesn't that sound awesome? Wanna come play? Anytime!

Love to all, Karen

Friday, September 21, 2007

Grade 6 Adventures

How exciting -- Nicolle is in grade 6 now. She feels pretty important to be in her last year of elementary. She's doing great. She's getting involved in a lot of activities that are very new for her.

For instance, Nicolle has NEVER shown any interest in any sports. We couldn't even convince her to try Soccer this summer (come on... all the kids are doing it!). However, she came home Tuesday night with a notice about flag football. "Can I, Mom? Can I?" What!?!? Well, imagine my surprise and delight. "Well, of course, where and when?" So now, every Monday and Wednesday, 3 - 4:15, Nicolle is in a sport. I think her entire class has joined up. It'll be fun for her and she needs the exercise (don't we all?).

She has also taken up BAND. Yes, another flute player in the family. I wonder if she has Julie's old flute. She's very excited to be like her big cousin. She had a training session Friday (3:45 -7pm) and Saturday (9-12) at Birchwood School in Charlottetown to learn how to take care of it, and she learned 5 notes already. She's all excited and readily practices. Hope that keeps up.

Of course, being in grade 6 is "very grownup". She even has a "boyfriend". Nathan and Nicolle have been "dating" since December '06. Wow! It's OK -- so far, they hardly talk to each other. It's more like "Nathan told Lucas to tell Heather to tell me..." Just the way Mommy likes it. He's given her a few little gifts (necklace, book, ring, journal, bracelet). She gets all giggly when she talks about him -- very cute. It's nice for her self esteem that a boy likes her. VERY important in Grade 6, you know!
As far as being a big sister... She enjoys that Jason is now on the bus with her. She does love him but I think she loves to report on him. "Jason got in trouble on the bus today." "Jason and Taylor got talked to. They were being too rowdy." "Pete stopped the bus today to talk to Jason and Taylor." Yikes, poor Pete, our bus driver. I'll have to talk to Jason, again! Anyway, at home, they play nice together and it's quite pleasant that our children are friends, too.

She also loves to be involved in Church activities. The elementary youth group is starting up soon and we're waiting to hear when it will be. Hopefully not on Monday or Wednesday afternoons. What would I do? I want her to go to both.
Check out her blog site for more insights. Damaris inspired her to create one of her own. She's working on her first blog and hasn't posted it yet. But once published, she'd loved to hear your comments.
The life of a 6th grader... don't you wish you were there again? Ya, I know.... me neither.
However, I love to see Nicolle enjoying it and I pray that she knows that God walks beside her every step of the way. One of my favorite Christian songs is called "Hold On To Jesus" (for He's holding on to you, is the next line). May we never forget that Jesus walks beside us in all circumstances.

I'm Thankful For...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Flying High!

Hey everybody!

On Friday, Marten and the kids finally went on the plane ride. Marten had always wanted to fly over the farm (preferably from a helicopter but you can't rent those on PEI). So for Father's Day, I rented a 4 seater plane for an hour (the pilot, Marten and the 2 kids-- see picture). Due to summer business, bad weather, etc. the flight was cancelled a few times and finally they got to go this past Friday. Jason was very nervous of the unknown. I think he thought it would be like a rollarcoaster and he's scared of those. He went on looking very terrified but came off with all grins. He had a blast. Nicolle was very excited and couldn't wait. Of course, she had a great time. Marten... HE LOVED IT!!! Here's 2 pictures of Randall's and the farm. Cool, eh?
They couldn't see too much of our house and Tineke's because of the trees. Apparently, Tineke, Aaron, Cassie and Pete were in the front yard waving but they weren't seen. Sorry, guys! It's the thought that counts. Right?
They flew over Charlottetown; headed along the south shore to end up at The Bridge (they weren't allowed to fly close to it so Marten didn't get any good pictures of it); then travelled the north shore. They flew over the farm a few times. The kids loved it when the plane dipped and circled. Wheeeeeee. I'm kinda glad I wasn't with them. Yikes! Marten took 77 pictures. I'm glad they have this memory. Marten still remembers when his parents took the family on a plane when they were young. Now, our kids will have this memory too.
So, my first attempt at pictures and everything? How'd I do? This could get addictive.
Love to all, Karen
"... and they shall mount up on wings like eagles." God will give you the strength to get through your day. So smile and have a great one.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Here We Go....

Ok, so here we go. My first attempt at blogging. I have just spent a pleasant evening reading some of my nieces blogs. Very nice.
It has been noticed among my family that I did not have a site myself so I thought I would give it a try. I must admit that it is a wonderful way to keep in touch with one's loved ones. However, I am not in the habit of writing down my thoughts... and so I cannot promise to be faithful to this everyday. Please be patient and don't give up on me. I'll learn. But I'm slow.
I love you all so that is why I am trying this.
Now the next challenge... letting you all know that I'm here.
Eventually, I'll be up and running and figure this all out.
Until then, I'll be happy just to read your blogs and respond to them.

Love you all, Karen